An influenza pandemic occurs when a new flu virus emerges for which humans have little or no immunity, allowing the virus to spread rapidly from person to person worldwide1.
Experts agree there will be another influenza pandemic this century. Although it cannot be determined when or what influenza strain will start to spread among humans, the world must be prepared for such an event. In the event of a pandemic, it is critical to provide rapid access to adequate pandemic vaccines and medical countermeasures.
As a global leader in influenza vaccine technologies, CSL Seqirus offers a comprehensive portfolio of pandemic influenza vaccines tailored to rapid response.
50 Million
Estimated deaths globally in 1918 influenza pandemic2
$45 – 55 Billion Loss
Estimated economic impact of Swine flu pandemic 20093
Influenza pandemics between 1918-20092
Enhancing pandemic response
With our heritage and unique capabilities, along with our global manufacturing network, CSL Seqirus works with governments around the world to support pandemic readiness and emergency response. Our dual production platforms and MF59® antigen-sparing technology4 underpin our commitment to rapidly supply pandemic influenza vaccines when needed.
A comprehensive portfolio of solutions
We offer a portfolio of pre-pandemic and pandemic influenza vaccines through agreements signed with governments as well as with the World Health Organization. These agreements ensure that pandemic influenza dose capacity is reserved and can be deployed upon the declaration of a pandemic. Some governments have policies to protect first-responders with early access to pandemic vaccine doses. Many of these governments rely on CSL Seqirus to provide pre-pandemic stockpiles of antigen and MF59® adjuvant that could be quickly combined in the early phase of a global outbreak.
Our commitment
In the event of an influenza pandemic, CSL Seqirus commits to a rapid and reliable response through the provision of reserved pandemic vaccine doses. CSL Seqirus pre-pandemic and pandemic influenza vaccines are licensed in a number of countries. We continue to test pre-pandemic candidate vaccines produced on our manufacturing platforms. Our ongoing projects are aimed at accelerating our response, via further surge capacity enhancement.
Pandemic Response Solutions
CSL Seqirus has a global cross-functional team to support influenza pandemic preparedness and response for public health and governments.

CSL Seqirus works with governments around the world to support influenza pandemic readiness and emergency response.
1. Infectious Disease Society of America. Public Health, Influenza, What is Pandemic Influenza? Infectious Disease Society of America website. (Accessed August 2020).
2. The World Bank, International Working Group on Financing Preparedness. From Panic and Neglect to Investing in Health Security: Financing Pandemic Preparedness at a National Level. December 2017. Retrieved from: (Accessed August 2020).
3. Berthe, Frank Cesar Jean et al, The World Bank. One Health: Operational Framework for Strengthening Human, Animal, and Environmental Public Health Systems at their Interface. January 2018. Retrieved from: (Accessed August 2020).
4. O'Hagan DT, Ott GS, Nest GV, Rappuoli R, Giudice GD. The history of MF59® adjuvant: a phoenix that arose from the ashes. Expert Review of Vaccines 2013; 12:13-30. Retrieved from: (Accessed August 2020).
MF59® is a trademark of Seqirus UK Limited.